Evelyn Richter, Leipzig, 1976
© Evelyn Richter Archiv der Ostdeutschen Sparkassenstiftung im Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig

Focus Evelyn Richter

Evelyn Richter, born in Bautzen in 1930, is one of the most significant photographers in Germany. The exhibition “Focus Evelyn Richter”, which marks the artist’s 90th birthday, provides a look inside the photographic collections of the SKD and at the same time pays homage to her life’s work, in which her focus was always on people.

  • DATES 26/01/2020—19/07/2020

[Translate to English:] Die kleine Ausstellung

The small exhibition shows the artist’s continuous occupation with her motifs in series: people on the street, self-portraits, travellers and museum visitors, as well as portraits of artists, writers and musicians. In contrast to the official, state-sanctioned imagery of the GDR, she produced unembellished social documentary photographs, exposing social contradictions and painting an empathetic picture of everyday life in East Germany and the people who lived there. The years after 1989 saw the start of Evelyn Richter’s late period, in which she travelled widely, resolutely continuing to create her photographic series into old age. Selected works from the Evelyn Richter Archiv in Leipzig and the documentary film “Audiences – Strategies of Self-Assertion” by Tina Bara and Barbara Metselaar round off the exhibition.

Evelyn Richter, Selbstporträt im Bulgakow Museum Moskau, 2012
© Evelyn Richter, Foto: Andreas Diesend
Evelyn Richter, Selbstporträt im Bulgakow Museum Moskau, 2012 Silbergelatineabzug 2018 durch Werner Lieberknecht, Förderankauf der Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen 2018, SKD, Kunstfonds

[Translate to English:] Die Ausstellung

The exhibition is a cooperation with the Evelyn Richter Archiv of the Ostdeutsche Sparkassenstiftung in the Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig. 


Currently no dates

Partners and Sponsors

[Translate to English:] Ostsächsische Sparkasse

300 years Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden

in the context of

300 Jahre Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden

[Translate to English:] weitere

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