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This East German subculture has been documented in images and recordings – some of which have never been exhibited before ¬– as well as selected paintings, graphics, magazines, posters, cassette covers and archival materials (curator: Christoph Tannert). Artists such as A. R. Penck and the Lücke frequentor [Gap frequenter] group, Helge Leiberg, Michael Freudenberg, Klaus Hähner-Springmühl, Cornelia Schleime, Ralf Kerbach, Christine Schlegel, the Dresden-based Autoperforationsartisten [Self-Perforation Artists], Matthias BAADER Holst, Moritz Götze and Tohm di Roes provoked officials and the general public with their wild gestures and demonic performances ¬– as well as with subtle explorations of inner aesthetics. Bands and groups of artists like AG Geige [AG Violin], Ornament und Verbrechen [Ornament and Crime], Zwitschermaschine [Twittering Machine], 37,2, Pfff..., Rennbahnband [Racetrack Band], Kartoffelschälmaschine [Potato-Peeling Machine], Die letzten Recken [The Last Warriors], Die Gehirne [The Brains] and Die Strafe [The Punishment] put this radical break from the norm into practice across a sonic spectrum of free jazz, anarcho-jazz, freestyle, noise, punk and Neue Deutsche Welle electro – away from public cultural institutions.