Pferde mit einem Mann, der neben ihnen steht
© Albertinum | GNM, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Elke Estel/Hans-Peter Klut
Please note that the exhibition is only open until 18:00 on 16.11., 23.11., 13.12.24.

Focus Albertinum: Renewal & Reform. Professors of the Dresden Art Academy 1895-1916

The exhibition on the 2nd floor of the Albertinum includes about 20 paintings and sculptures by professors of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Dresden from the period 1895-1916. In the context of the special exhibition "Escapism and Modernity. Oskar Zwintscher and Art around 1900", works by painters such as Gotthardt Kuehl, Robert Sterl, and Otto Gussmann and sculptors such as Georg Wrba and Selmar Werner present artistic positions from the Albertinum's holdings that are primarily committed to open-air painting and realism and that have not been made accessible for years due to the limited hanging space.

  • DATES 31/08/2022—03/03/2024

They reflect

They reflect the spirit of renewal in an era marked by upheaval at the beginning of the 20th century. While in the 1880s there were still struggles to enforce the study of living models in the wild and thus attempts to implement fundamental reforms in teaching, this soon became common practice after the turn of the century. With the establishment of Impressionism at the academy and in the exhibition business, Dresden now also caught up with international modernism. The pictorial practice that grew out of plein air and realism was to subsequently shape numerous generations of artists and give rise to the so-called "Dresden School". It was not until 1919, when women were allowed to study, that female artists were also able to benefit from these developments.

with works by

With works by Georg Bantzer, Eugen Bracht, Ferdinand Dorsch, Otto Gussmann, Emanuel Hegenbarth, August Hudler, Gotthardt Kuehl, Peter Pöppelmann, Hermann Prell, Osmar Schindler, August Schreitmüller, Robert Sterl, Selmar Werner, Georg Wrba


Further Exhibitions


in Residenzschloss

Portrait eines Mannes mit Hut und Vollbart


in Schloss Pillnitz

gelber Kasten mit vier Füßen
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