Gemälde einer Insel im Meer
© Albertinum | GNM, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Hans-Peter Klut

Focus Albertinum: Distanzen

You just have to find the right images […]. Sometimes you find one that reminds you of classical images, like the landscape of burning oil that looks like a Caspar David Friedrich.

Thomas Ruff

  • DATES 13/08/2024—09/01/2025

Die Topoi

Caspar David Friedrich broke new ground as a landscape painter, characterized by a striking emptiness of pictorial space and a high degree of emotionality. From today, three works by Thomas Ruff from the Hoffmann Collection are on display in the Friedrich Room in the Albertinum. Ruff distances himself from traditional landscape painting by using images whose technical and scientific origins make up a large part of their effect. In them, worlds appear that are not accessible to the human eye: Stars in the cosmos, the surface of Mars or an atomic bomb explosion.

Gemälde einer Insel im Meer
© Albertinum | GNM, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Hans-Peter Klut
Johann Theodor Goldstein, Capri, um 1824/25

Das Albertinum

In contrast to this is a view of the island of Capri as a blue silhouette against a blue sky over a blue Mediterranean by Johann Theodor Goldstein. The landscape paintings illustrate distances that need to be overcome by technical means or through art, as well as those that need to be perceived at a longing distance.


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