Art from the Romantic period to the present day

in Albertinum

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Besucher laufen durch Ausstellung und betrachten Gemälde
© Gerhard Richter 2018 (08022018), Foto: David Pinzer, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Due to necessary technical construction work, the second floor of the Albertinum will be closed from 7-17 April 2025. The exhibition ‘Wolfgang Tillmans. Weltraum’, as well as the Skulpturenhalle, Mosaiksaal and Klingersaal will be open. To the map

[Translate to English:] Intro

From Caspar David Friedrich to Gerhard Richter: The exhibition in the Albertinum contains masterpieces from 1800 by the Romantic painters as well as 20th-century art and contemporary works.

To the collection
Exhibition at Albertinum
08/03/2025 —29/06/2025

Wolfgang Tillmans. Weltraum

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© Courtesy of Galerie Buchholz; Maureen Paley, London; David Zwirner, New York

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Kunst von der Romantik bis zur Gegenwart: Das Albertinum in Dresden

Art from the Romantic period to the present day

Walking through the Albertinum is like opening a museum-sized art history reference work and leafing through its pages. With a range extending from Romanticism to the present, the Albertinum is a place where painting meets sculpture, East meets West and today meets tomorrow.

Explore the permanent exhibition

Frau, die eine Zigarette in der Hand hält
© Albertinum | Galerie Neue Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden


Founded in 1959, the Galerie Neue Meister is the youngest museum of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. Its collection initially came from the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister for which contemporary art was increasingly acquired after 1843.
History of the collection

Besucher betrachten Gemälde
© SKD, Foto: David Pinzer

Gerhard Richter

Gerhard  Richter is one of the most significant artists of the 20th and 21st centuries. His oeuvre covers a period of nearly five decades. The artist is connected to the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden and his birthplace Dresden in a unique way through the Gerhard Richter Archive, which was founded here and is named after him. 

Gerhard Richter Archive

Gerhard Richter steht vor einem seiner Gemälde
© Gerhard Richter 2018 (08022018), Foto: David Pinzer, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

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